El Corte Inglés scores 11.8 out of 100 points in this ranking (up from 0.5 in 2017), and is at the start of its journey towards cotton sustainability.
El Corte Inglés obtained all their additional points since 2017 in the policy area. The company has become a member of the Better Cotton Initiative. They also use organic and recycled cotton. The company has a target of sourcing 50% sustainable cotton by 2023. The company works on garment circularity (reuse as well as recycling) with Caritas.
El Corte Inglés S.A. does not publish any information about volumes of sustainable cotton sourced in percentages.
El Corte Inglés S.A. does not publish information on the absolute volume and origin of the cotton used in its products. The company does not provide information on its suppliers (finished product, fabric manufacturers, yarn spinners).