Lojas Renner scores 27.3 out of 100 points in this ranking (up from 0 in 2017), and is well on its way towards cotton sustainability.
Lojas Renner has a policy to address sustainability of cotton in its supply chain. Lojas Renner addresses the negative impacts of cotton production through its membership of the Better Cotton Initiative. Lojas Renner does not have separate specific policies in place to address water reduction, biodiversity and pesticide use in cotton cultivation. The company has committed to sourcing 100% sustainable cotton by 2021.
Lojas Renner publishes the percentage and absolute volume of sustainable cotton. In 2018, Lojas Renner sourced 15% of sustainable cotton.
Lojas Renner publishes a list of some of its finished products and fabric manufacturers. The company does not publish information on its yarn spinners. Lojas Renner does not publish the absolute volume of cotton sourced or its country of origin.